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Xavier Gómez

Music Coaching Events Europe Oy

My name is Xavier Gómez and I bring a character, Zegy, who is an orava. Zegy is making shows (singing and acting for families with young children) about a world, where all of our wishes can be accomplished. This story is connected to a mobile game we are developing called Family Treasure, which gives activities for children and parents to do together.
We are educating young children to live by loving values, enjoy life and see it with wonder and excitement.
I play songs in Finnish, English and Spanish, and act dressed as Orava.
There will be also small instruments that children can play and everyone can join us singing and dancing.
This shows will help us to understand better the children and families needs to develop our game.


I've been acting in Spain in Catalonian theaters, performing concerts in known clubs, learning to write in University.

Lately I've been in touch with Pikku Kakkonen and Koriämäki to be part of their shows, and we are still under negotiations.

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