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Finnish beer and beer culture have been well and alive ever since the days of Kalevala

From the mythical beverage of the Finnish national epic to the foodstuff of middle ages, through the hard times of prohibition to the modern-day drink that we enjoy with friends and pair with food. Beer in Finland has been it all, seen it all and now Joonas Ruokamo wants to tell you all about it!

During this conversational tour we will explore pubs and bars of Tampere as well as the the history and culture of Finnish beer. It takes us through a balanced combination of tales, experiences and facts while we get to taste the finest samples of the local breweries. Maybe we even get to hear a story or two from the barkeeps or locals, you never know…

You area also welcome share your best memories about Finnish beer and if you don’t have any yet, this tour is a great possibility to make some!

The duration of the tour depends on the number of participants and the method of travel (by bike or by foot), but it’s usually around three hours not including an option for a meal in the last restaurant.

Price of the tour is 160€ per person, including the beer sample platters in three different bars. Meal and its drinks are paid by participants.

Tour can be in Japanese language too.

Visit our website:

KuvitusKuva Laura Paronen, Tarjonnut :Visit Tampere
A picture of the main street of Tampere, Hämeenkatu.Matrocks mahdollistaja Joonas Ruokamon kuva.Matrocksin logo, jolla sateenkaari hiukset.

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