Emilie Selbourne Photographic Arts
Photographic artist from UK : fine art, landscape, art direction, fashion styling and photography, teaching, invited talks, workshops
Photojournalist: social documentary, journalism, NGO, charity, social enterprise marketing, publicity material
Community project workshop designer and facilitator using photography as a way to bring people together, intercultural, cross-generational, mental health applications
Museum and art gallery curator, exhibition and event designer & manager, private & public sector, museum culture guide designer and facilitator, conservation
CELTA Qualified English Language tutor using innovative cultural orientated methods
website : emilieselbournephotography.com
Recently design and facilitated successful community photography workshops co-funded by Koko-CABLE and Tampere Kaupunki Hervanta Kirjasto
PLAN International - South East Asia region - photography marketing commission
My photographs bought by major art collectors in UK
Students of my English teaching
References available on request
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